Tuesday, 3 February 2015

A very late 2015 goals list??

Hiiii everyone!

So today I'm bringing you my goals that I would like to achieve in 2015, some being easy and others being not so realistic. So here I go!

1. Leave sixthform with grades I'm happy about.
2. Try and get out a bit more. (I'm kind of a couch potato)
3. Go blonder with my hair. (I had a few highlights a few months ago and I've began to realise that having blonde hair really suits my skin tone)
4. Get Harry Styles to notice me. (Aka a thumbs up again, or a follow on twitter)
5. Start wearing more adventurous things.
6. Stop caring what other people think of me. 
7. Stop asking for reassurance and know that I probably look fine. 
8. Visit more internet friends. (I have quite a few plans this year so fingers crossed!)
9. Meet Harry Styles (A girls gotta dream big alright)
10. Lose a bit of weight.
11. Have more confidence when it comes to going out with no makeup on.
12. Get a tattoo. 
13. Go to more concerts.
14. Put a lot of work into blogging and see how far I get by the end of the year.
14. Get a decent camera and take more pictures.
15. Grow my nails.
16. Selling a painting or drawing.
17. Live more minimally!

So that was a bunch of things that I'd like the achieve this year, and hopefully by the end of the year I can look back on this post and look at the things I might have achieved.

Hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any goals, feel free to leave a comment!